Photo by Linh Nguyen on Unsplash

The running. The bated breath. Wobbling knees. Unease. Fear of not reaching. The pursuit has taken over.

The sun is tired. But it’s trying. The air is misty, a little wet. The breeze is cold, unforgiving.

Slow down. Slow down. Stop. Stop.

Take a breath. Look ahead. It’s still farther.

Look behind. Take in, how farther you’ve run.

Take a moment. Feeling clear?

Nobody will reach. There’s no destination. Only the finish line. Of life.

Let them run.

Find your moment. Be in it. Find another. Live it.

A cup of coffee. A sip of laughter. Feel glad. Feel grateful.

Don’t Go. Stay here. In this moment.

There’s nothing to pursue. Nothing at all.

To understand it, is the pursuit.

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